
24:日本の紹介(Introduction of Japan)

56: Sushi

Exercise 1.Look at the picture and talk about it.

Exercise 2. Read the Introduction.

What has evolved into a Japanese culinary masterpiece with scrumptious flavor and colorful form, actually traces its humble beginnings back to the 7th century when the natives of Southeast Asia employed the technique of pickling as part of food preparation. The Japanese acquired the same practice, which involves packing fish with rice. Improvements came to a rise by the current century thanks to the entrepreneurial Japanese who possessed a knack for innovation. Today, this healthy and delicious bite-sized creation is enjoyed worldwide and may be found even in the most modest of grocery stores.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions below.

1. What are the main ingredients in preparing sushi?

2. What are the various kinds of sushi and how do you tell them apart?

3. What are the health benefits of eating sushi?

4. Are there any known complications or bad effects from eating sushi?

5. What makes sushi irresistible not only to the Japanese?