
Aya先生に対する声 2025/3/04

1.先生のリクエストに今日の話したいトピックを送っていたのに、見ていない。 2.今日のトピックを話しているのに話題を変えた。

Sha先生に対する声 2025/3/03


Veron先生に対する声 2025/2/09


Sunny先生に対する声 2025/2/04


Sweet先生に対する声 2025/2/02

楽しい授業をありがとうございました。初めてで緊張していましたが、25分あっという間に終わっちゃいました。Thank you so much!

Echo先生に対する声 2025/1/20


Veron先生に対する声 2025/1/03


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/12/26


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/12/16

先生いつもありがとう! サニー先生は3歳の息子の唯一話してくれる先生です。 話しかけても返答が無かった時期も諦めずに明るく関わってくれた優しい先生です。

Sunny先生に対する声 2024/12/10

言いたいことを英語でなおしてくれるので、勉強に なります。

Sunny先生に対する声 2024/11/25


Kan先生に対する声 2024/11/22

息子が「レッスンを見たい」と言って後ろで見ていた所 息子にも声をかけてくれて臨機応変の対応してくれてすごく嬉しかったです。

Lily先生に対する声 2024/10/28


Kat先生に対する声 2024/9/22

初めての受講で緊張しましたが、Kat先生がスタート化ら笑顔と優しさで不安が一気になくなり、とても楽しく受講することができました。また、Kat先生で受講したいです! Thanks a lot!

Ice先生に対する声 2024/9/22


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/9/13


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/9/03


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/8/22


Ming先生に対する声 2024/8/12


Keiko先生に対する声 2024/7/18


Angel先生に対する声 2024/7/17


Coco先生に対する声 2024/7/17

初めての体験授業をさせていただきました。 終始笑顔で対応してくださり、全く英語が話せない私にも優しく話しかけてくださって、英語が話したいという気持ちがますます強くなりました。

Ana先生に対する声 2024/7/02


Eva先生に対する声 2024/7/01


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/6/25


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/6/03

Sunny 先生いつもありがとうございます! 3歳と同時に入会して5ヶ月目でやっと英語を発話してくれる様になりました。それまで様々な先生と時間を過ごしましたが、息子の1番のお気に入りはサニー先生で、予約が取れない以外の日は全て予約をサニー先生で埋めています。 息子が叫んだり、失礼な感じでも常に笑顔でニコニコして辛抱強く何度も話しかけてくれる先生のお人柄のお陰です。 ありがとうございます。

Eva先生に対する声 2024/5/29


Miriam先生に対する声 2024/5/26


Brad先生に対する声 2024/5/26


Jen先生に対する声 2024/5/20


Rona先生に対する声 2024/5/20


Eva先生に対する声 2024/5/08


Chan先生に対する声 2024/4/28


Jen先生に対する声 2024/4/13


Miriam先生に対する声 2024/4/03

なかなかうまく聞き取れなくてごめんなさい またレッスンお願いします。

Veron先生に対する声 2024/3/23

丁寧に対応してくれてありがとうございました。 またよろしくお願いします

Mina先生に対する声 2024/3/23

今日もありがとうございました。 次回、復習でもう一度テキスト5、6から教えてください。

Mina先生に対する声 2024/3/17

分かりやすく教えてくれてありがとうございました。 遅い時間までありがとうございました!

‘講師名:Miriam先生に対する声 2024/3/15

ミリアム先生へ いろいろ困らせてごめんなさい。 またよろしくお願いします。

‘講師名:Mina先生に対する声 2024/3/15

分かりやすく教えてくれてありがとうございました。 遅い時間までありがとうございました!

Kat先生に対する声 2024/3/14


Miriam先生に対する声 2024/3/12


Mina先生に対する声 2024/3/09


Sunny先生に対する声 2024/3/08


Kim先生に対する声 2024/2/14


Jed先生に対する声 2024/2/11


Love先生に対する声 2024/2/02


Joy先生に対する声 2024/2/02


Jesie先生に対する声 2024/2/02


Kan先生に対する声 2024/2/02


(Lemon先生)に対する声 2024/1/26


Kai先生に対する声 2024/1/23


Luna先生に対する声 2024/1/17


Kai先生に対する声 2024/1/14


Jed先生に対する声 2024/1/04

とても楽しく参加できました。 ありがとうございましたー★

Kan先生に対する声 2023/12/30


Blessy先生に対する声 2023/12/29


Van先生に対する声 2023/12/29


Kan先生に対する声 2023/12/28


Van先生に対する声 2023/12/27


Amor先生に対する声 2023/12/09


Sunny先生に対する声 2023/12/08


Jen先生に対する声 2023/11/27


講師名:Mari先生に対する声 2023/11/22


講師名:Jen先生に対する声 2023/11/22


Dear先生に対する声 2023/11/04


Jed先生に対する声 2023/10/31


Jen先生に対する声 2023/10/16


Shine先生に対する声 2023/10/13

本日が生まれて初めてのオンライン英会話で、何をどうしていいかわからない状態でしたが、うまくアテンドしてくれました。 ありがとうございました。

Seth先生に対する声 2023/9/30

初めてオンラインレッスンを受講しました。 とても明るく対応してくれたこと、こちらが話した内容を正しい文章に直してくれたことは、受講してとても良かったと感じています。

講師名:Miya先生に対する声 2023/9/21


講師名:Eva先生に対する声 2023/9/18


講師名:Miya先生に対する声 2023/9/18

○もっと相手の話しを良く聞く方がよい。 ○話しを続けているのに、次の質問をしないほうが良い。 ○私は英語が下手で聞きにくいと思いますが、次々に質問するより、一つの話しを深めていったほうが、こちらもも話しやすい。

Jen先生に対する声 2023/9/16


Eva先生に対する声 2023/9/10


Jed先生に対する声 2023/9/10


Lemon先生に対する声 2023/9/10

とてもスムーズに、時に間違いを正していだきました。 無駄が無くとても勉強になりました。

Jen先生に対する声 2023/8/30


Dear先生に対する声 2023/8/29


Jen先生に対する声 2023/8/23


Jen先生に対する声 2023/8/23


講師名:Blessy先生に対する声 2023/8/16


講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2023/8/15


講師名:Jen先生に対する声 2023/8/14


Zel先生に対する声 2023/8/11


Brad先生に対する声 2023/8/10


Seth先生に対する声 2023/8/08


Jen先生に対する声 2023/8/08


Tin先生に対する声 2023/8/07


Sunny先生に対する声 2023/8/07


講師名:Dear先生に対する声 2023/8/06


講師名:Kayelene先生に対する声 2023/8/06


講師名:Dear先生に対する声 2023/8/06


講師名:Jed先生に対する声 2023/8/05


講師名:Dear先生に対する声 2023/8/02


講師名:Dear先生に対する声 2023/8/02


Jen先生に対する声 2023/7/27


Jen先生に対する声 2023/7/19


Jen先生に対する声 2023/7/17


Veron先生に対する声 2023/7/17


Cath先生に対する声 2023/7/14


Cath先生に対する声 2023/7/13


Jen先生に対する声 2023/7/12


Dear先生に対する声 2023/7/08

料理や日本のキャラクターの話ができて、よかったです。 最近、結婚していますか?子供はいますか?という話題の振り方される先生が多かったので、 彼女のように、話題の豊富な先生は、貴重です。

Lemon先生に対する声 2023/7/07


Eva先生に対する声 2023/6/28


Mina先生に対する声 2023/6/23


Jen先生に対する声 2023/6/19


Sunny先生に対する声 2023/6/09

Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice weekend!

Blessy先生に対する声 2023/6/06


Sunny先生に対する声 2023/6/06

Thank you for good advice.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/6/06

Dear Lia, it was another exciting time with you ! We cant complete our talk with 50 mins :) I look foward to your next class ! Have a wonderful day and take much rest !

Eva先生に対する声 2023/6/04


Kayelene先生に対する声 2023/6/01


Coco先生に対する声 2023/5/30

Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you. Ill see you in the next class. Have a nice day!

Lia先生に対する声 2023/5/29

Dear Lia, thank you for good tips and info about cooking!I really enjoyed learning both Eng & cooking ! Im so impressed your preparation for frozen pasta souses ! Take much care, and see you soon !

Jen先生に対する声 2023/5/26

Thank you for your woderful comments! That would be a good motivation for me to learn English more. I still have difficulty to express my feelings or opinions,buy I ll just keep on trying !

Jen先生に対する声 2023/5/23

I enjoyed your lesson. Thank you very much.

Lemon先生に対する声 2023/5/23

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day.

Dear先生に対する声 2023/5/22

Very attractive lessons, Thank you.

Coco先生に対する声 2023/5/19

Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a good weekend!

Veron先生に対する声 2023/5/18

Dear Veron, it was another exciting talk with you! Yes, we fogot the time passing ! hahaha... we need more time :) Im sure youll have a happy & quality life ! Take much care of yourself !

Coco先生に対する声 2023/5/16

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/5/15

Dear Lia, yes it was another exciting talk w/U! I beleive a kind of power from universe, so I just refer to advice of fortune tellers for my heading way! I hope youll stay calmly after Thu

‘講師名:Lia先生に対する声 2023/5/11

Dear Lia, thanks for a wonderful time ! I rdid enjoy sharing many topics with you ! Today, scary experience!! Also I learned many related words, medium, psychic, thrid eye etc. Tyler Henry is amazing

Jesie先生に対する声 2023/5/10

Thank you very much. I'll see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!

Coco先生に対する声 2023/5/10

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/5/01

Dear Lia, thank you for your wonderful lesson! I found out Mahjong would be one of nice hobbies for me! I will know how to play it at first ! Please take much care of you & your kids! See you soon !

Jesie先生に対する声 2023/4/27

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!

An先生に対する声 2023/4/27

Thank u for the lesson. My son was right after waking up from his nap…was not in good mood. thank u for ur patience.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/4/27

Dear Veron, I wanna also say thank you ! It was a fun & exciting discussion :) I really enjoy sharing many things with you ! I always learn a lot from you ! I look forward to talking to you soon

‘講師名:Coco先生に対する声 2023/4/21

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class!

Coco先生に対する声 2023/4/18

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson!

Kayelene先生に対する声 2023/4/18

Thanks for talking with me about studying.

Jen先生に対する声 2023/4/17

Feedback is appropriate and clear. She carefully point out corrections so that I can clearly understand the areas for improvement each time.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/4/16

Dear Veron, it was a fun and interesting discussion with you! Thank you for support to read the article for chatGPT-4! It's awesome & convenient but dangerous sometimes. need to learn properly. See U

Lia先生に対する声 2023/4/15

Dear Lia, thank you for youAt first, I was so glad you were getting well! When you completely recover, I think you would have refreshed & new senses! You can enjoy more :) See you soon !

Jesie先生に対する声 2023/4/13

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class. Have a nice day.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/4/13

Dear Lia, I also enjoyed sharing my story with you! I wish I could have explained them fluently. I need more speaking practice.... moreover, I do hope you'll recover, taste and smell back soon !

Coco先生に対する声 2023/4/11

Thank you very much! Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice evening.

Coco先生に対する声 2023/4/11

Ive learned some new words from our conversation. Thank you.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/4/07

Dear Veron, it was a fun and exciting talk again with you ! It is so nice to know different traditions, Ive learned a lot from you ! In the holly week, Id like to pray for the world peace ! See U

Coco先生に対する声 2023/4/05

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class!

Lia先生に対する声 2023/4/03

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! Talking with you is always fun & exciting & learnable! I wanna improve my english to talk more with you ! Take much care of yourself! See you soon !

Veron先生に対する声 2023/4/02

Dear Veron, it was a fun & exciting talk with you ! I am sure your Redmi brings you a great support !! You have many lessons today, so take much care ! And take a good REM sleep :)

Coco先生に対する声 2023/3/31

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!

Veron先生に対する声 2023/3/31

Dear Veron, thank you for your great lesson! As usual we enjoyed sharing our opinions about various topics! I recommend a smart watch which can monitor your health always ! See you soon again !

Lia先生に対する声 2023/3/30

Dear Lia, thank you for your fun &exciting lesson ! I enjoyed a lot talking with you ! Youve showed me many different customs through chosen articles ! Thats so impressive ! Take care & see U soon

Jesie先生に対する声 2023/3/29

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson!

Lemon先生に対する声 2023/3/29

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!

Kayelene先生に対する声 2023/3/23

Thanks for talking with me about topic of school life, foods and so on! It was very fun.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/3/23

Dear Veron, I had a fun talking with you ! I was surprised that youd visit seven churchs on Easter ! We dont have that custom, so for me its so great to pray a lot. I pray for your health always

Coco先生に対する声 2023/3/20

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!

講師名:Coco先生に対する声 2023/3/19

Thank you very much. I'll see you in the next class. Have a nice day!

講師名:Lia先生に対する声 2023/3/16

Thank you for your comments! But I wish I could speak more fluently like you! so Ill challenge again to get over 900 score on TOEIC ! My best was 850, almost 1-2 decades ago. See you again soon

Coco先生に対する声 2023/3/14

Thank you very much. I will see you in the next lesson. Have a good one!

Kayelene先生に対する声 2023/3/12

Thanks for talking with me about exercise. Talking with you was a lot of fun.

Coco先生に対する声 2023/3/08

Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/3/06

Dear Veron, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed talking and learning the topic ! Thaks for sharing your information, I hope I can work at home like you ! See you soon :)

Lia先生に対する声 2023/3/02

Dear Lia, thank you for a fun talk with you!Im so happy to hear you enjoy Japanese meals! You must be nervous for chemotherapy next wk, but Im sure itll work well and no side effect ! Take care :)

Lemon先生に対する声 2023/2/28

Thank you very much! See you our next class.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/2/24

Dear Lia, great talk w/you ! I really enjoyed sharing topics between our contries! hahaha! Amazing-shot notice holiday! Im happy you enjoy Japanese shops & products & foods! I recommend stationary to

Basil先生に対する声 2023/2/23

Thank you for fixing my English. No pain No gain. See you soon.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/2/22

Dear Veron, thank you for a great lesson !

Lemon先生に対する声 2023/2/21

Thank you very much. See you next our class.

Basil先生に対する声 2023/2/21

It was good lesson as usual. I like the atmosphere surrounded of teacher.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/2/20

Dear Lia, I had a fun and exciting time with you ! Thank you for offering good articles always! I've learned not only English words but also many cultures in the world ! It's so worty :) See you soon

Veron先生に対する声 2023/2/19

I learned a lot about new things. Thank you so much!

Lia先生に対する声 2023/2/16

See you soon ! Thank you always for your great support! Take much care of yourself !

Lia先生に対する声 2023/2/16

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson !Your culture that relatives will take care of their members is sometimes tough but that’s just family ties! I hear many old people spend sad last....

Jesie先生に対する声 2023/2/14

Thank you very much! See you next our class.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/2/10

Dear Lia, Thanks a lot, I spent exciting time with you!There are a lot of special days during whole year. We should know them and they are good oppotunities to think about them. See you soon

Veron先生に対する声 2023/2/06

brilliant teacher!!

Lia先生に対する声 2023/2/06

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson and a good article! In Japan, we enjoy various chocolates on Valentains day :) If I lived there, I would give you a Meiji choco difinetely !

Jen先生に対する声 2023/2/06

She is the Best I have ever had!! Her 25 minutes lesson is worth more than one hour.

Veron先生に対する声 2023/2/05

Dear Veron, thank you for sharing your story today. I am worried about your health condition. Just try not to think too much about that ! You have wonderful kids and they will make you so happy !

Veron先生に対する声 2023/1/30

Dear Veron, I enjoyed amazing talk with you ! I am so happy to hear your kids follow your proper instructions. Thats why they have good personalities, I'm sure they will have happy lives !

Lia先生に対する声 2023/1/30

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed talking with you about many topics! That was a good start of this week ! You gave much energy ! See you soon !

Lia先生に対する声 2023/1/27

Dear Lia, thank U for your great lesson!It was useful and fun time for me! The articles you picked up have given me the oppotunities to think more about the topics! I look forward to your next lesson

Lia先生に対する声 2023/1/27

Thank you for your corrections to my sentences ! Ive got a little differences between mines and yours :) Ive learned a lot ! Thanks a million for your support ! See you soon !

Lia先生に対する声 2023/1/20

Dear Lia, I am so happy to hear your birthday celebration by your family! You had a long life but will have a longer longer life ! Have a great weekend ! I look forward to your next lesson !

Veron先生に対する声 2023/1/20

Dear Veron, It was a nice talking with you !I am so glad youre getting better ! Your health is not only for you also for your family ! Take much care for your happy future !

Eva先生に対する声 2023/1/13

Thank you for the chat. My son enjoyed it!

Veron先生に対する声 2023/1/13

Thank you Veron. It was an exciting talk with you about how important our health is! Since you are very kind & thoughtful to others, but forget them out! Even so, you are still kind :) Focus yourself

Lia先生に対する声 2023/1/12

Dear Lia, how much I enjoyed your lesson ! Thank you for picking up a great article again ! It was a good chance to think about my name and difference between countries! Anna Lea is a cute name!

Jen(ジェン)先生に対する声 2023/1/09

It is good to promote to speak.

Lia先生に対する声 2023/1/06

Dear Lia, It was a great start talk with you! I really enjoyed your lesson as usual. I want to speak English more fluently & precisely to talk more with you ! I look forward to more lessons w/u

Veron先生に対する声 2022/12/29

Dear Veron, thank you for your greaI really enjoyed talking to you about wide topics.about wide topics. Please take extra care of your health. I look forward to joining your class in 2023 as well

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/26

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! Wow! 2020 will be ending soon ! Ive spent fun time with you this year! I appreciate your great support to improve my Eng ! I hope to talk a lot next year

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/23

Dear Lia thank you for your great lesson! It was so fun! The articles you chose are always learnable, and it makes me a chance to know them! Please have a happy & wonderful christmas ****

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/23

This Christmas season, may your home be filled with love and happiness! I wish you a beautiful holiday!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/19

Dear Lia, thank you for your wonderful lessons ! It is much fun to talk with you about various topics! Thanks for sharing the coming treastment. I really hope it won't be hard and work a lot !

Veron先生に対する声 2022/12/16

Dear Veron, thank you for your comment even you feel so bad. Never worry about points, just take much care of yourself! I hope you'll get well soon, I look forward to seeing sweet Veron :)

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/12

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson! I really enjoyed variout topics! What a wonderful picture is that ! nice friedns, nice house, nice foods! Thanks for sharing it with me ! Enjoy the day !

Lia先生br> Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! It was not only fun and also so leranable ! I appreciate your support for my homehork as well ! I can't wait for your next lesson !に対する声 2022/12/08

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/05

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! I could know more about Australia! I hope you'll visit there soon ! There are a lot of special days in January ! I mark them on calendar :) See you

Veron先生に対する声 2022/12/02

Dear Veron I really enjoyed talking a wide rage of topics! Thank you for sharing your stories, I do agree with your way of living life :) Xmas is almost there ! You must be busier but Enjoy it

Lia先生に対する声 2022/12/01

Dear Lia, thank you for your comment and notes!Opposite Day is so fun to have close realtionship w/ others! After that, I think we can say anything each other ! That would be real friends :)

講師名:Jen先生に対する声 2022/11/26

Ms.Jen is always polite teaching and quick witted, so we can usually enjoy easy conversation.

講師名:Lia先生に対する声 2022/11/26

Dear Lia, it was a fun time for me ! Thank you for great lesson even hard time to you. I do hope youll get well as soon as possilbe ! I look forward to see your wonderful dishes :) See you next time

Spring先生に対する声 2022/11/19

Thank you so much.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/11/18

Dear Veron, I was so happy to hear your voice again ! As we get older, we need to think more about family matters. Your thought always influence me a lot ! You are a great woman ! See you soon !

Jen先生に対する声 2022/11/14

amazing teacher!!

Lemon先生に対する声 2022/11/12

Thank you for todays lesson. As you said, I try to review every lesson.

Lia先生に対する声 2022/11/10

Dear Lia, thank you for corrections to my sentences. They are so helpful and I can catch the differences from mine. Thank you again for your time ! I am looking forwar to your next lesson !

Lia先生に対する声 2022/10/31

Dear Lia thank you for your great lesson ! ve learned not only English but also living life by you! How the Japanese express our feeling instead of hugging ?? Its a good chance to think it !

Lia先生に対する声 2022/10/27

Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! I really enjoyed talking w/u & learning the article! I got a chance to think more from that ! Also I'm happy to look at your family pics! Take care !

Veron先生に対する声 2022/10/21

Dear Veron, it was a nice discussion with you! Your experience & opinions are helpful for me! Youre always solid and confident, I wish I could be like you ! Enjoy the weekend ! See you soon !

Lia(リア)先生に対する声 2022/10/17

Dear Lia, I reall enjoyed talking with you about customer services. I guess they always have many issues with various kinds of customers. I look foward to an exciting talk with you! Take much care

Veron先生に対する声 2022/10/14

Dear Veron, thank you for your comment!You have a beautiful & warm heart, so you were given 4 sweet kids ! Pleae stay strong & positive for your second life :)

Rina先生に対する声 2022/10/14

Thank you for discussing about story with me! I learned many words. Lets discuss more next time!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/10/10

Dear Lia, thank you for a good article for me ! I learned a lot about religion and its a good chance to know other religions. Im so impressed that you still keep studing bibles ! See you next lesson

Jen先生に対する声 2022/10/03

I cant speak English fluently but step by step I feel to get better. Because you always correct me and you always give me motivation to learn English. Thank you very much (゚▽゚)/

Lia先生に対する声 2022/10/03

Dear Lia, I felt so comfortable after your lesson ! Your lessons are always so fun and learnable ! Thank you always for being nice and open ! also great support for homework! See you soon !

Anya先生に対する声 2022/10/03

She hesitates to make mistakes so she does not talk much but she has a good ear since she got used to native English speakers in the past 6 years. So please talk to her faster with complex sentences.

Jen先生に対する声 2022/10/03

I cant speak English fluently but step by step I feel to get better. Because you always correct me and you always give me motivation to learn English. Thank you very much (゚▽゚)/

講師名:Lemon先生に対する声 2022/10/01

You have a lot of topics to talk about and you have fun lessons for me. I am very happy because I have many opportunities to speak English with you.

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/9/30

Dear Veron, thank you for a great lesson ! i enjoyed discussion of variety topies as uaual. I wish I could express my opinions or thoughs more exactly. I will keep on going ! See you soon !

講師名:Ara先生に対する声 2022/9/25

Thank you for your nice lesson!

Mina先生に対する声 2022/9/23

Thank you very much. It was a wonderful lesson.

Peach先生に対する声 2022/9/23

Thank you for your nice lesson!Your teaching inspires me a lot.

‘講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/9/19

Dear Veron, I enjoyed your lesson, it was fun time! I understand your much efforts, so I do hope your problems will solve properly. Pls take much care of your condition. see you soon !

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/9/18

Thank you for talking with me about accessory. I learned a lot. I will try it some day!

Basil先生に対する声 2022/9/17

Thank you for talking about me about TV! It was really fun!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/9/15

Dear Lia, it was a fun & exciting time for me ! Ive learned a lot from your not only English but also the way of life ! I really respect you and your thought! I look forward to your next lesson !

Seth先生に対する声 2022/9/14

enjoyed a lot! thank you very much!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/9/12

Dear Lia, thanks for wonderful and exciting lesson ! I really enjoyed talking and sharing various stories with you ! Also I appreicate your time for my homework ! It's great practice for me !!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/9/09

Dear Veron, thank you for useful grammer lesson !Thanks to your good explanation, I got the usages for tenses. To speak using them naturally, I need to practice them more! Have a nice day :)

Lia先生に対する声 2022/9/05

Dear Lia, it was a fun talk with you ! Thank you for being friendly and nice, so I really realxed & enjoyed talking with you. It was a goot start of this week ! Have a wonderful lunch & afternoon!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/9/02

Dear Veron, thank you for a fun and exciting discussion this morning. It gives useful tips on my life to share various topics with you ! For greater talk, I wanna improve my expression more!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/8/30

Thanks a lot for wonderful time. I really enjoyed sharing many topics with you. How much excited with a new starting hobby ! I'm so impressed with your design, your son! How sweet :) great mom :)

Lia先生に対する声 2022/8/30

Dear Lia, thank you for a fun &exciting talk with you ! Youre always friendly to have me realx to speak easily! I wish my husband did exercise spontaneously to care himself.... That's so tough..haha

Mary先生に対する声 2022/8/28

Dear Mary, it was a fun and amazing talk with you ! Sorry I spent too much time for my private talk... thanks for listening. I look forward to your next lesson !

Veron先生に対する声 2022/8/26

Dear Veron, It was a fun talking with you ! I thought I booked 2 lessons as usual... but didint .... I was so sorry to cut your break. hahaha... 30 mins is too short for us. I look forward to next

Veron先生に対する声 2022/8/17

Dear Veron, I had an exciting time with you ! I've enjoyed and learned a lot of useful words from your story! Even you recovered, take much care ! Keep safe and healthy! See you soon !

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/8/12

Dear Veron, it was a fun & exciting lesson for me ! Thank you for sharing your stories, I really enjoyed exchanging our ideas ! Take enough rest even you've already recovered !

Mary先生に対する声 2022/8/04

Dear Mary, thank you for offering an amazing lesson for me! I enjoyed and learned a lot in your class! I appreciate your nice comments, which made me more motivate to learn! See you soonest !

Veron先生に対する声 2022/8/03

Dear Veron, it was an fun and exciting talk with you ! Our topics are never ending ! Please take much care of yourself ! Dont too much work, we are not young anymore ??? see you soon !

Lia先生に対する声 2022/8/03

Dear Lia, thank you for an exciting talk with you !That is a good start of today. Thank you always for being nice and friendly !I look forward to your next lesson !

Lia先生に対する声 2022/8/02

Dear Lia, it was a fun talk with you again ! Hahaha, I am not young anymore....Yes, I gonna turn on the light ! but it's good time for clearning my belongings! if they help others, that'd be good :)

Veron先生 Dear Veron, It was an exciting talk with you ! Thanks for your concerns for our house construction ! I really enjoyed your delivery story ! How you were tough & strong ! Great day !に対する声 2022/7/24

Veron先生 I enjoyed Friday talking with you !Thank you for a good advice to preserve pictures !That would be another task !Our talk has never stopped !Time past so fast with you !See you next time !に対する声 2022/7/22

講師名:Cath先生に対する声 2022/7/13

Thank you for the lesson. I always enjoy the class with you. Ill be seeing you soon!!!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/7/12

Dear Lia, it was a fun & exciting talk with you ! You are an amazing chef !! I wish I could cook well like you. I prefer eating served meals :):) Thanks for your concern of my back. Take care, too !

Mina先生に対する声 2022/7/07

Thank you so much for your amazing lesson.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/7/06

Dear Veron, it was a fun Wed lesson ! You had a bad day yesterday, but I am sure everything is gonna be well, your son will be a good achitecture in future and support you Have a wonderful graduation

Lia先生に対する声 2022/7/04

Dear Lia, it was a fun time for me!I enjoyed a lot seeing your pictures !You had a wonderful time yesterday with your friends and their family! That is like American drama! See you soon !

Mina先生に対する声 2022/7/04

Thank you for your great lesson.

Deng先生に対する声 2022/7/03

I always appreciate that she teaches kindly and correctly.

Spring先生に対する声 2022/7/03

Thank you always. I enjoy lesson with you.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/7/01

Dear Veron, I enjoyed discussing various topics with you !Thanks to your clear explanaitons, I understood some expressions perfectly !! You're always friendly & nice, I can speak Eng relaxingly :) :)

Lia先生に対する声 2022/6/30

Dear Lia, I like animals a lot, I used to have many birds, rabbits...but I love cats best :) I dream to have dogs someday. Thanks for your concern of my back, time to need care ! Take much care of U

Mary先生に対する声 2022/6/29

Dear Mary, I enjoyed your lesson a lot. Even short time, we shared a lot things! Thank you always to be open-minded and friedly always! I really like your smile! Enjoy the rest of the day !

Lia先生に対する声 2022/6/27

Dear Lia, I had a fun time with you again ! Thanks for checking with google why bule is negative in English ! its from a certain persons feeling ! Its blue sky in Tokyo! Take much care, see U soon!

Deng先生に対する声 2022/6/26

Thank you always. I appreciate that your teaching methods is fantastic. Gradually I am studying English with fan.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/6/24

Dear Veron, it was a fun and informative lesson w/you ! I felt so sad with the death of youth. May thier souls rest in peace. Allas...It's time for us to think about our health.Take care of yourself

Blessy先生に対する声 2022/6/19

Thank you very much!

Deng先生に対する声 2022/6/19

I appreciate that Deng sensei is kind and nice.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/6/18

Thank you for your wonderful lesson. I had a great time.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/6/17

Dear Veron, I enjoyed your lesson as usual & could have deep understanding with the word offend. I appreciated your clear explanation! How sweet & nice your son is !!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/6/15

Dear Lia, it was nice talking with you ! I was so suprised at your hospitalization, but it might be the time for our ages to take much care of our health! Dont make your kids sad ! Take care :)

Deng先生に対する声 2022/6/12

Dear Deng, it was an amazing talk with you ! I found out how much you have engaged your tasks! I hope you can have relazing holidays soon ! I look forward to joining your class again !

Honey先生に対する声 2022/6/11

Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed it as always.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/6/10

Dear Veron, it was a fun and fruitful time for me again ! B So sorry for my bad net connection... Thanks for good advice of upload rate! It's difinitly by my side! Your rate is always perfect !

Mina先生に対する声 2022/6/09

Thank you very much for your great lesson. I really enjoyed talking to you.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/6/07

Thank you very much for your wonderful lesson!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/6/03

Dear Veron, our discussion was so much fun again, which made us forget the time, haha. Disasters, Eye-sight, Lottary & Your huss ear problem... I could enjoy topics & learn many words ! amazing !

Mary先生に対する声 2022/6/02

Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson ! You always make me motivated to improve my skill ! I wanna escape from speaking difficulties. I hope you will get better soon! Take extra care ! See you

Cath先生に対する声 2022/6/01

Thank you for the lesson. Im happy that I took it from you. You served me a lot of energy for my lack of energy:) See you soon.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/5/31

I enjoyed taking your great lesson. Thank you very much

Erin先生に対する声 2022/5/31

Thank you for the wonderful lesson!

Mina先生に対する声 2022/5/31

I enjoyed taking your great lesson. Thank you very much.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/5/30

Thank you for your great lesson. I had a wonderful time.

Deng先生に対する声 2022/5/29

Every time ,she teach me correctly and kindly.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/5/27

Dear Veron, thanks again for an amazing lesson ! Your lesson always gets me much motivated for learning ! I really respect your energy & passion to make your good quality of life ! can't wait for next

Jen先生に対する声 2022/5/26

Thank you so much. You always give me a lot of tips and new expressions those are so helpful.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/5/24

Thank you for your wonderful lesson.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/5/20

Dear Veron, It was useful lesson for me! Thank you! This lesson made me remind Im bad at summerizing ! Ill take it in my study! Have a great time with your old friends this afternoon :) TC always

Jen先生に対する声 2022/5/16

Thank you so much.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/5/13

Your lesson is always amazing! Thank you so much!!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/5/13

Dear Veron, that was amazing lesson ! Thank you for great adivce about my eng learning! Your words makes me so motivated ! I look forward to your next lesson ! Always keep safe and healthy :)

Mina先生に対する声 2022/5/12

Thank you for your amazing lesson!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/5/12

Dear Lia, it was fun time with you ! Yes! Vuity might change the world, nobody would need glasses ! Thats amazing ! I guess headache by eye issues might also get down ! look forward to next

Veron先生に対する声 2022/5/06

Dear Veron, thank you for awesome Friday morning ! Our discussion is extending and stopless always :) That's because you're so friendly and open, so I talk anything w/y. Great day and see you next

Summer先生に対する声 2022/5/04

Thank you very much!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/5/01

Your SMLE class is so polite. You corrects my wrong sentence. Thanks!

Lia先生に対する声 2022/5/01

Dear Lia, it was an exciting & relaxed talk with you ! I am always happy to listen & talk with you ! Developing technologies are amazing ! Yes, wait and see what happen! Talk to you soon !

Lia先生に対する声 2022/4/29

Thanks her lessons, I have become confident in English. She is a great teacher.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/4/28

Dear Veron, I enjoyed talking with you as usual ! Thank you always for good advice for my Eng learning. Those gave me good tips! I wish I could speak like you someday ! See you soon again !

Mina先生に対する声 2022/4/27

Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson .I

Mina先生に対する声 2022/4/26

It was nice talking to you. See you next time!

Mary先生に対する声 2022/4/26

Dear Mary, it was so fun talk w/you ! Your laugh makes everybody so happy :) Thank you for nice comments to me! Though, I wanna speak with U fluently & correctly without pausing! Talk to you soon !

Miriam先生に対する声 2022/4/26

Thank you for today,Miriam!! Its been a while!! I(Mari) also wanted to see you! Sakurako enjoyed today and she will do key-eye lesson again!

Mina先生に対する声 2022/4/25

I enjoyed your wonderful lesson. Thank you.

Summer先生に対する声 2022/4/23

Thank you for a great English lesson.

Lia先生に対する声 2022/4/21

Dear Lia, It was an exciting talk with you ! specially, Im so happy we could share kinda feelings of our ages :) Your instagram makes me so yummy, also give me much egergy ! I hope to see you soon

Mina先生に対する声 2022/4/18

I really enjoyed your wonderful lesson.

Kat先生に対する声 2022/4/17

Thank you for your continuous support.

Mary先生に対する声 2022/4/14

Dear Mary, that was a fun &exciting talk with you ! Thank you for being much open to share & answer my questions ! Time flew so fast with you, so I'll talk with you again soon ! Wishing sunny Sun:)

Jen先生に対する声 2022/4/14

Thank you for extend the time.

Rina先生に対する声 2022/4/13

I could enjoy free-conversation. Honestly, I would like to the lesson based on text, but the conversation is very fun for us, so we use full time for free-conversation. It's also OK for me

Mina先生に対する声 2022/4/12

Thank you for your detailed explanation.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/4/12

It was challenging topic for me, but I enjoyed the lesson. Thank you for your patient that you tried to understand what I wanted to explain. I felt absolutely this "No pain, No gain." Thank you again.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/4/08

Dear Veron, it was another fun lesson ! I was so motivated with your great comments! I still have difficulties to explain something exactly, but I've leaned a lot from you ! I can't wait for next

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/4/06

Thank you. I got to know how to learn English. Agree that watching You Tube related to chancels which they are interested in English helps a lot.

Minnie先生に対する声 2022/4/05

Thank you for a lot of advice!

Erin先生に対する声 2022/4/03

Thank you for the wonderful lesson!

Mary先生に対する声 2022/4/02

Thank you for the wonderful lesson. My son enjoyed it very much!

Ming先生に対する声 2022/4/02

I would be helpful if Ming sensei could say more slowly.

Blessy先生に対する声 2022/4/01

Thank you very much!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/4/01

Dear Veron, thank you for an exciting & amazing lesson ! It was my pleasure to listen to your stories. Youve made much effort to make your time prosperous! I admire you and hope my life be like it !

Mina先生に対する声 2022/3/31

I had a great time with you. Thank you so much.

Blessy先生に対する声 2022/3/30

Thank you very much!

Mina先生に対する声 2022/3/30

Thank you very much for your kind instruction.

Jolly先生に対する声 2022/3/30

Thank you for having a lot of fun conversations every time.

Jen先生に対する声 2022/3/29

Thank you for your kind lessons every time.

Mary先生に対する声 2022/3/28

Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson. I enjoyed talking with you a lot. Now the Internet is necessary for our lives but it would have danger. Take care your eyes ! I hope to see you soon !

Mina(ミナ)先生に対する声 2022/3/27

I really enjoyed your lesson, it was fantastic. Thank you so much!

Dear Veron, thank you so much for offering a great lesson! As youve expanded topics widely, our discussions are never stopping :) I appreciate for your friendliness always! Enjoy your family trip!に対する声 2022/3/25

Ming先生に対する声 2022/3/21

Thank you for the wonderful lesson!

Veron先生に対する声 2022/3/18

Dear Veron, thank you again for your great lesson ! Also, thanks for useful tips for my learning ! I wish I could speak Eng like you someday :) Enjoy Friday & Keep safe and healthy

Jen先生に対する声 2022/3/16

Im very pleasant to take your lesson every time, and can learn lots of things by your correcting sentences gently.

Peach先生に対する声 2022/3/14

Im very sorry for the interruption of the lesson today due to the sudden electric power outage occured in my area. I appreciate your help with resuming and continuing the lesson.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/3/11

Dearest Veron, it was fun & interesting time for me ! I got to know a lot about Christian practices, and I also learn how I should be ! I appreciate you're always friendly and share many things :)

Rina先生に対する声 2022/3/11

Thanks for teaching me! See you again soon.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/3/11

Thank you for your wonderful lesson. I had a very good time!!

Maria先生に対する声 2022/3/07

thanks see u again!

Daisy先生に対する声 2022/3/07

Thank you for the wonderful lesson!

Mina先生に対する声 2022/3/07

Thank you for your great lesson. It was nice talking to you,

Jen先生に対する声 2022/3/07

Thank you for the lesson. I still cant speak fluently, so I study every day. Jen-san is grateful to her for creating an atmosphere so that I can enjoy and continue taking classes every time.

Lia先生に対する声 2022/3/05

I like the way you suggest the better words insted of using the words I used in the sentences. I'll be able to get to know more suitable sentences. Thanks a lot.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/3/04

Dear Veron, it was an amazing lesson with you ! When talking about various topics, I always realize the lack of my vocabulary. Though that's good to know my weak points ! I look forward to next class

Mina先生に対する声 2022/3/03

Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson! I really enjoyed talking to you.

Lia先生に対する声 2022/2/28

Dear Lia, I really enjoyed and sharing many topics with you! Your thought and love to your family always beautiful and motivate me a lot ! I look forward to sharing many with you !Keep safe & healthy

Dona先生に対する声 2022/2/26

Thank you for always paying attention what I am trying to say. and keep asking me until you understand.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/2/25

Dear Veron, yes ! we had another exciting & relaxed conversation ! Thank you for sharing many things without hesitating, I've leaned not only English but also making good life from you !

Ara先生に対する声 2022/2/23

It was long time no see! I enjoyed sharing information with you. See you again soon.

Rina先生に対する声 2022/2/22

Thanks for talking with me!

Mary先生に対する声 2022/2/20

Dear Mary, thank you so much for a wonderful lesson and comments afterwards. They made me much motivated me at learning Eng. I appreciate for your friendliness always :) I look forward to next lesson

Veron先生に対する声 2022/2/19

Thanks to your teaching, I can create long sentences.

Basil先生に対する声 2022/2/19

Thanks for talking with me about my school life and COVID 19. I enjoyed sharing with you. Let's talk more deeper next time. See you soon!

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/2/17

Thanks for talking with me.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/2/17

Dear Veron, I really enjoyed our exciting talk ! I am so happy that we are so close with various talks including private ones ! Thank you for being friendly and open to me ! Keep safe and healthy :)

Jen先生に対する声 2022/2/14

Dear Jen, thank you for a fun & lively lesson ! I really enjoyed engaging in conversation with you ! I've learned many practical expressions from your words ! I look forward to your next class soon !

Dona先生に対する声 2022/2/12

My favorite teacher!

Kat先生に対する声 2022/2/11

Thank you for answering the sample. Grammar lessons are getting harder and harder, but I want to get through to the end.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/2/11

Dear Veron, I had a fun & pleasant time with you again ! Our discussion is always enjoyable and meaningful for me ! I wish I could explain my thoughts with correct expressions and words. See U next

Mary先生に対する声 2022/2/07

Dear Mary, thank you for your amazing lesson! I enjoyed sharing variety of topics with you. Thanks to being friendly to me, I relaxed and talked without hesitating! I hope to see you soon ! See you

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/2/06

Thank you for your polite teaching! I can hear what you say.

Dear Veron, thank you for an exciting class with you ! I was so curious about the house helper system in your country, cause it is not common in Japan. It would be required for working women. See youに対する声 2022/2/04

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/1/30

Thanks for talking with me about food! Im glad to hear that you eat everything. Lets talk more about this topic next time! See you.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/28

Dear Veron, thanks million for an exciting lesson ! How fast the time with you was passing ! Our discussion is always lively and meaningful for me :) You do bring my eagerness & enthusiasm for Eng !

Kayelene先生に対する声 2022/1/26

Thanks for discussing about corona virus especially omicron. Let's talk about more next time!

Rina先生に対する声 2022/1/25

Thank you for teaching me about vocabulary. Let's do another aural comprehension drill next time! See you soon.

Mina先生に対する声 2022/1/24

Thank you so much for your lesson today. I really enjoyed talking with you!

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/23

Dear Veron, thank you for sharing your various stories! Even they are common topics, they are good hints and information for me :) Ive been learning not only English but living tips from you ! See U

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/21

Dear Veron, I really enjoyed wide range of topics with you! So I always realize what words I dont know or I need to know ! Thank you for being friendly to me! I really like & respect you ! See you !

Dona先生に対する声 2022/1/19

Thank you for your lesson. Its fun that we talked about that without hesitation. Its good oppotunity to know something new!

Mary先生に対する声 2022/1/18

Thanks for talking with me. I enjoyed sharing with you. See you again soon.

Basil先生に対する声 2022/1/15

Thanks for talking with me about end-of-year examination. See you soon.

Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/15

Thank you for todays lesson. I learn new words.

Jen先生に対する声 2022/1/12

Dear Jen, thanks for your amazing lesson! Sharing various topics with you is so exciting with me ! I appreciate for you being friendly always ! Yes, I hope to have your more lessons this year ! :)

Lia先生に対する声 2022/1/10

Thank you for the lesson. Your advice for learning languages made me accerelate to study English. Thanks again :)

Deng先生に対する声 2022/1/09

Thank you for kindly lesson. I enjoyed talking with you.

Mary先生に対する声 2022/1/07

Dear Mary, it was an exciting talk with you !I enjoyed sharing the last few months each other! Thanks for your advice to my resolution! I'll watch one favorite movie repeatedly! I hope to see you soon

Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/06

Dear Veron, it was another exciting time with you ! We talked & shared a lot of topics, and there are many hints of my life from you. You thoughts make me motivated and move positively:)

Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/06

Dear Veron, I found that we never stop talking even 4 lessons a day :) Thank you for sharing many your stories with me ! That makes me the chance to rethink of myself ! Talk more next time :)

講師名:Basil先生に対する声 2022/1/05

I enjoyed talking to you I experienced this beginning of year. See you in next lesson!

講師名:Mina先生に対する声 2022/1/05

My son was excited to talk with you. Thank you!

講師名:Maria先生に対する声 2022/1/03

Thanks to revise my mistakes. Your are a kind teacher.

講師名:Emma先生に対する声 2022/1/03

Thank you for the wonderful lesson!

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/03

You always taught me kindly. I appreciate your teaching.

講師名:Lia先生に対する声 2022/1/03

Thank you Lia. I had a wonderful time with you to catch up each other! I was happy to hear you & your family's stories ! I look forward to joining your lesson again !

Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/02

Dear Veron, I really enjoyed your first lesson in 2022 ! You always bring me a lot of energy and smile to me ! I look forward to more discussions with you !

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2022/1/02

Thank you. Your explanation is good for me.

講師名:Deng先生に対する声 2022/1/02

Dear Deng, I enjoyed talking with you after long time ! I wish your 2022 year will have a lot of happiness and smile !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/12/30

Dear Veron, thank you so much for wonderful lessons in 2021. Thanks to you, I really enjoyed your lessons ! I'd like to continue that precious time with you ! May you have heartful year in 2022 :)

Basil先生に対する声 2021/12/28

I enjoyed sharing with you about how I spent Christmas. I enjoyed talking. Let's talk about more next time.

Blessy先生に対する声 2021/12/28

Your class is always great. Thank you.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/12/24

Dear Veron, thank you for offering lesson even on Christmas Eve. It was an exciting time for me ! I wish you relax and enjoy a wonderful & happy Christmas with your family :)

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2021/12/23

Dear Veron, thank you for offering lesson even on Christmas Eve. It was an exciting time for me ! I wish you relax and enjoy a wonderful & happy Christmas with your family :)

講師名:Jen先生に対する声 2021/12/23

Dear Jen, thank you for a wonderful time with you ! I enjoyed sharing wide topics :) My prayers are with you & your family affected by that terrible typhoon. I hope it will recover ASAP.

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2021/12/18

Thank you for a great lesson. You always give me a lot of words and compositions. I enjoyed your lesson.

講師名:Veron先生に対する声 2021/12/17

Dear Veron, thank you for a joyful time with you ! How fun it was ! Every lesson, I7ve found many things and learned a lot form you ! I hope you enjoy & relax this Christmas season :) See you soon !

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/12/12

Thanks for chatting with me about how to spend Christmas. I enjoyed it. See you again soon.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/12/11

Thanks for talking with me. I enjoyed talking about topic about book. See you again soon.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/12/08

Thanks for talking with me about winter sports. I knew how to spend this vacation, and discussing was fun! See you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/12/08

Dear Jen, thank you for your amazing lesson ! I am always glad you are so dedicated to teach English to me. How happy I met a teacher like you ! I look forward to joining your class again ! See you

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/12/05

I enjoyed your lesson and it was very effective . Thank you.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/12/05

Thanks for teaching to me.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/12/04

Thanks for talking with me about music. I can know many things about music. See you soon.

‘講師名:Veron先生 Dear Veron, thank you for an amazing time ! I really enjoyed talking & sharing many topics, and I could learn related Eng words ! I look forward to continuing it next time ! Have a wonderful dayに対する声 2021/12/03

Cath先生に対する声 2021/12/02

Thank you for today's lesson. You taught me a lot of sentences and I expressed myself better than usual. I appreciate your great lesson.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/12/02

Dear Jen, thank you for amazing lesson ! How much I enjoyed talking with you ! Thank to your clear explanation, I deeply understand meanings of many vocabularies ! I hope to join ur lesson again soon

Ara先生に対する声 2021/12/01

Thanks for teaching to me. See you soon!

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/11/30

I enjoy idle talk with teacher. See you soon!

Nica先生に対する声 2021/11/29

Thank you very much for the lesson! He enjoyed explaining how to do origami.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/11/27

Dear Veron, thank you for a wonderful time ! I enjoyed talking many topics with you ! You must be a busy wife & mother, but take care of yourself, and stay safe and healthy ! See you !

Mary先生に対する声 2021/11/26

Dear Mary, I did enjoy your lesson ! I couldnt stop talking with you :) Thank you for sharing your stories with me ! Even I dont use materials, that would be real English conversation ! See you soon

講師名:Jen先生に対する声 2021/11/24

Her good questions makes the chatting more fun and makes me speak more, Thanks.

講師名:Emma先生に対する声 2021/11/21

Thank you for your nice lesson

講師名:Jen先生に対する声 2021/11/18

Her good questions makes the chatting more fun and makes me speak more, Thanks.

Feb先生に対する声 2021/11/17

Thanks for your lesson today. I enjoyed talking to you. See you next time.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/11/17

Thank you as always! I like talking with you :)

Mina先生に対する声 2021/11/14

I always enjoy your lessons! Thank you for your great work.

Summer先生に対する声 2021/11/14

Thank you for your message about my entrance test for junior high school

Basil先生に対する声 2021/11/13

I enjoy taking lessons every time. Thank you so much.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/11/13

Thanks for teaching me how to study for exam. Ill try it from today. See you soon.

Ming先生に対する声 2021/11/12

Thank you for the wonderful lesson. My son is happy to have a chat about soccer…his favorite thing.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/11/11

Thanks for talking with me about many things.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/11/11

Dear Veron, I really enjoyed your lesson as usual ! I am sorry I got the end time passing ! Our time past so fast :) I hope I will enjoy talking with you more, so I will study English more ! See you

Feb先生 thank you for your lesson. My son enjoyed chatting with you.に対する声 2021/11/10

Cris先生に対する声 2021/11/07

Dearest Cris, thank you for everything ! Ive enjoyed your amazing lessons so much. You are such a nice & talent person, I m sure your future will be so blight & shining ! Keep challenging new things

Dona先生に対する声 2021/11/06

I left the class a bit earlier,because something came up to me. It was all for my own convenience.so she should get paid. Please make it so,if not.admin.

Cris先生に対する声 2021/10/31

Dear Cris, I enjoyed a fun talk with you! I got a sad news today, but I really want to say thank you for all Thanks to you, I could enjoy lessons and improve my skill ! Wishing your great life !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/10/29

Dear Veron, how fun your classes were ! I enjoyed talking about wide topics with you ! They are good practice for me to express my ideas or thoughts, I leaned a lot ! I look forward to next class!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/10/28

Dear Veron, I really enjoy talking with you ! I appreciate that you are so friendly and nice to share your story with me ! I will report you my fasting progress next time! Keep safe and healthy !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/10/23

Thank you for todays lesson. I will prepare to set up my PC 30 minutes before the class. See you next time.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/10/21

Dear Jen, I felt so happy after your lesson !! You gave me a lot of energy and confidence ! I eager to learn more to speak English properly with you ! I look forward to your next lesson !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/10/17

Dearest Veron, thank you for your wonderful lesson !We talked a wide range of topics, so I enjoyed a lo a lot as usual. I can't wait for your next lesson ! Enjoy the rest of the day

Jen先生に対する声 2021/10/15

Dear Jen, thank you so much for your great lesson ! Your lesson always bring me much energy & motivation ! I feel so happy to take your lesson ! I look forward to your next lesson soon ! Good day :)

Kat先生に対する声 2021/10/13

enjoyed a lot! thank you!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/10/08

Dear Jen, how much fun & wonderful your lessons are ! I really enjoyed and learned a lot ! Your lessons get me so hyper and energetic ! I look forward to join your lesson again soon !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/10/03

Dear Veron, thank you for sharing your diet story ! I was so impressed with it and it would be good information for me to start intermittent fasting :) can't wait for your next lesson ! Take care !

Basil先生に対する声 2021/10/02

Thanks for talking with me about corona virus! See you again soon. Bye.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/10/01

Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed a lot talking with you ! Not only the materials but also chat with you I could learn a lot how to express my though in Eng ! Keep safe & healthy

Veron先生に対する声 2021/9/30

Dear Veron, time past so quickly as I talked to you ! It was a precious time for me ! Thank you always being nice and friendly :) I can't wait for your next class !

Rina先生に対する声 2021/9/29

Thanks for teaching to me. I enjoy talking with you. Bye!

Millet先生に対する声 2021/9/27

It was nice to see you again. Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed it a lot.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/9/27

Thanks for talking with me. See you soon!

Gin先生に対する声 2021/9/26

You always make me happy! comfortable mood, I love it!

Maria先生に対する声 2021/9/20

Thank you for kindly lesson.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/9/19

Thanks for talking with me about COVID 19. See you again!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/9/19

Dear Veron, I spend precious time with you this Sunday morning. Thank you for sharing a lot, yes ! they are so heartfelt topics! I'd like to talk of them with using correct words next time ! See you

Gin先生に対する声 2021/9/18

Thank you for making my son talk!

Gin先生に対する声 2021/9/17

Thank you the fun chat with my son.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/9/16

Dear Veron, thank you for a fun and meaningful time :) I am happy to share various feeling of values of life ! That gave me a lot of energy, and you inspired me a lot ! Have a happy day ahead !

Gin先生に対する声 2021/9/15

Thank you for making my son talkative! He was enjoying chatting with you.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/9/13

Dear Jen, your class came to be a good start of this weekend for me ! Your professional and friendly teaching always makes me motivated a lot !I feel encouraged with you :) See you next time !

Lia先生に対する声 2021/9/12

Thank you for sharing your countrys education. I can understand well.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/9/12

Thanks. I understand a product delivery.

Thank you for todays lesson. See you soon....に対する声 2021/9/11

Basil先生に対する声 2021/9/11

Thank you for listening about my topic! I enjoyed sharing. See you again soon!

Basil先生に対する声 2021/9/11

Thank you for listening about my topic! I enjoyed sharing. See you again soon

Jen先生に対する声 2021/9/11

Dear Jen, I had a great time with you ! I still have difficulties with speaking though, thank to your great support & help, I could attend your class actively. Take much care of your back ! See you

Blessy先生に対する声 2021/9/09

thank you for your kindness and humanity. I really enjoy first lesson. Next time I would like to set my goals.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/9/08

Teacher Lia always encourage me. Thanks.

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/9/08

Thank you for todays lesson. I enjoy your lesson.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/9/07

enjoyed a lot! thank you very much!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/9/05

Thanks. I can learn a business meeting.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/9/05

I appreciate you speak same phrases again and again. I try to listen more carefully.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/9/04

Thanks a lot. I learned past tense.

Mina先生に対する声 2021/9/04

Dear Mina, I like your lesson. You have a lot of energy and when I made mistakes, let me know. I’m looking forward to seeing you again

Pau先生に対する声 2021/9/04

Thank you for your lesson. I really enjoyed it! Hope to see you soon^^

Gin先生に対する声 2021/9/02

my best teacher!!♡

Mary先生に対する声 2021/9/02

Dear Mary, thank you for having me in your class ! I enjoyed listening materials and sharing many topics with you ! Have a wonderful time on regular check-up for your baby ! Keep safe and healthy !

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/9/02

Thank you for talking with me! I could know many information about coronavirus in the Philippines. See you soon.

Deng先生に対する声 2021/9/02

Thank you Deng, it was a nice and fun talking with you ! I am so impressed that youve been so energetic and lived a happy life. I hope my life would be like yours! :) See you next time !

Nica先生に対する声 2021/9/01

Thank you so much. I love your smile. See you soon.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/8/31

Thank you for your lesson. I like your lesson style because its very simple so that it doesnt waste time. Explanation is very accurate and detailed. Talk to you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/8/30

Dear Jen, thanks to your clear and through explanation, I enjoyed and fully understood the article ! I learned a lot, cupboard, allowance, spend oneself in a hole.... I wanna say thank you again !

Gin先生に対する声 2021/8/30

Thank you for the wonderful lesson!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/8/29

Dear Veron, I enjoyed talking many topics with you ! Time has past so quickly, I look forward to continuing another talk with you next time ! Stay safe and healthy with big smile :)

Veron先生に対する声 2021/8/29

Thanks a lot. Your lesson is easy to understand.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/8/28

Thank you for your advice. You are a great teacher.

Emma先生に対する声 2021/8/27

Thank you Emma, I had a fun time with you ! You are so nice and friendly, so I relaxed and talked during lesson. I am happy that you're interested in cats and bird :) Talk to you soon !

Mary先生に対する声 2021/8/26

Dear Mary, thank you for having me in your class ! You are always friendly and nice, so I had a really good time with you ! It might be hard time for you now, take it easy and take care of yourself

Jen先生に対する声 2021/8/24

She is a good teacher. She is very kind and patient to me

Gin先生に対する声 2021/8/22

Haru enjoyed ur lesson. Thank you!

Pau先生に対する声 2021/8/22

Thank you for correcting my sentences I said.

Mina先生に対する声 2021/8/21

Very sweet and helpful teacher!

Summer先生に対する声 2021/8/21

Thank you for showing pictures which I don’t understand. It is easy to figure out it.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/8/20

Jen, thanks million for your great lesson and amazing comments ! I really appreciate that you've constantly tried hard to teach me English & give many comments after class. That's so motivated me !

Mina先生に対する声 2021/8/15

Thank you for today's lesson. I understand well.

Gin先生に対する声 2021/8/14

Thank you for the wonderful lesson. Haru likes it very much.

Summer先生に対する声 2021/8/13

Thanks. I appreciate to share your experience.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/8/13

Thanks. Your teaching is very understandable.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/8/11

Teacher Jen can make interesting topics by asking proper questions even when I pick up a dull article. I came to enjoy the lesson and found it fun. Thanks.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/8/10

Thank you for a wonderful lesson. When I had questions, you replied to them quickly with comments and chat in the Skype. It helps me to remind the lesson. Thank you.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/8/10

Thanks to teacher Peach's great question, I am good at answering English.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/8/10

Thanks to teacher Lia's lesson, I am good at English.

Summer先生に対する声 2021/8/09

I healed by teacher Summers smile. Thanks.

Lia先生に対する声 2021/8/09

Teacher Lia is very kind and a good teacher.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/8/08

Thanks for talking with me. I learned many thing. See you soon.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/8/07

Thanks for talking with me! See you again

Mna先生に対する声 2021/8/06

enjoyed lot! thank you so much!

Emma先生に対する声 2021/8/05

enjoyed a lot! thank you!

Basil先生に対する声 2021/8/01

Thanks for talking with me about Olympic games! See you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/8/01

Dear Jen, thank you for having me in your wonderful lesson ! Learning English with you is so fun for me ! I wish I could speak more fluently like you :)

Summer先生に対する声 2021/8/01

Thank you. I like the conversation with you . I can enjoy the lesson.

Ami先生に対する声 2021/7/31

Thank you so much for everything. It was such a pleasure talking to you.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/7/31

She is always kind and knowledgeable.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/31

Dear Mary, it was a happy and fun lesson ! Thank you for sharing your good news with me ! Please spend days with much care of yourself ! I look forward to talk to you soon !

Ami先生に対する声 2021/7/30

He enjoyed todays class so much. Thank you very much for listening patiently for his talking!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/7/29

Thank you for your great & meaningful lesson ! Thats so exciting and very fun ! Also I appreciate your comments after every lesson ! They get me more motivated and confident ! See you

Basil先生に対する声 2021/7/28

Thanks for talking with me about breakfast!

Ami先生に対する声 2021/7/28

Thank you for the wonder lesson. Haru likes talking with you.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/26

Dear Mary, I really enjoy talking and sharing many topics with you ! Thank you for always being nice and friendly, that got me to talk easily ! I look forward to your next lesson ! Enjoy Olympic :)

Ami先生に対する声 2021/7/23

Thank you so much for helping him throughout the lesson. It was him who decided to take the lesson by himself. Now he is proud of himself being able to talk to you without Mum's help.

Summer先生に対する声 2021/7/23

Thank you so much. My daughetr always enjoys your lesson. form Mother

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/7/22

Thanks for sharing with me about Olympic games. See you.

Jesie先生に対する声 2021/7/21

a great teacher who covers variety of topics and spontaneous conversation.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/7/21

Thanks for teaching me about words meaning! See you soon. Bye!

Jesie先生に対する声 2021/7/20

I enjoy having her class all the time. cheerful and caring, she is like a relative living abroad.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/19

Thanks for teaching to me about lesson material! See you soon.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/19

Thank you for your lesson. I had a great time!

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/7/18

Thanks for talking with me about our gardening. Next time I'll talk to you about cucumbers. See you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/7/16

Dear Jen, thank you for useful advice about my learning English ! I got much hits from them to move forward to the next level. I look forward to your next lesson !

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/15

Thanks for talking to me about foods. See you soon.

Brad先生に対する声 2021/7/15

Great class as always.

Bianka先生に対する声 2021/7/14

its been a long journey to learn English with you and I really enjoy every moment and topic we have.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/13

Thank you for the lesson. Though I was a little nervous, I could enjoy the lesson. I am looking forward to the next lesson

Ara先生に対する声 2021/7/12

Thanks for sharing to me about Philippine. See you soon!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/7/12

Dear Jen, talking and sharing a lot with you is really enjoyable time for me ! As you understand what I say more easily, I wanna improve my Eng more! I can't wait for your next lesson !

Basil先生に対する声 2021/7/11

Thanks for talking with me about my birthday. See you soon!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/10

Dear Mary, I enjoyed the time with you, chatting, sharing about many, discussing about the article. It was a good start of weekend ! I can not wait for your next lesson :) !

Rina先生に対する声 2021/7/09

Thanks for teaching to me about lesson material. See you soon.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/7/08

Thank you Veron, it was a fun lesson with you ! Caching up talk was a good practice for my speaking. I learned a lot of words and expressions from you ! I look forward to next your lesson !

Rina先生に対する声 2021/7/07

Thanks for listening to me. See you soon.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/7/04

Thank you for sharing to me about the Philippines information. See you.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/7/03

Thank you for talking with me about birthday. I enjoyed talking with you. See you soon!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/7/01

Thank you for talking with me about myself. See you soon.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/6/30

I enjoyed discussing about my school life. I'll devote badminton to become more stronger! See you soon.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/6/27

I REALLY enjoyed the lesson with you. Thank you very much!

Ami先生に対する声 2021/6/27

Thank you for yet another wonderful lesson! and sorry for bombarding you with many irrelevant emojis... He said to me, 'I don't like English classes at school, but I enjoy talking with Teacher Ami'.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/6/26

今日も親切丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございました。 また、よろしくお願いいたします。

Mary先生に対する声 2021/6/26

Thank you! I enjoyed talking about badminton. See you soon.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/6/26

今日も親切丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございました。 また、よろしくお願いいたします。

Miriam先生に対する声 2021/6/24


Rina先生に対する声 2021/6/24

Thank you for talking with me about text about Japanese traditional sports. I enjoyed talking with you about it. Next time, let's talk about my gardening. See you soon.

Miriam先生に対する声 2021/6/24


Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/6/23

Thanks for talking with me about my badminton club. I enjoyed talking to you about my school life. See you soon!

Dengに対する声 2021/6/21


Gin先生に対する声 2021/6/21

明るく楽しいレッスンでした。 質問したい内容が英語で話せるように頑張ります。 ありがとうございました。

Gin先生に対する声 2021/6/21

明るく楽しいレッスンでした。 質問したい内容が英語で話せるように頑張ります。 ありがとうございました。

Deng先生に対する声 2021/6/21


Rich先生に対する声 2021/6/20

今日も親切丁寧で良かったです。 また、時間があったので次のテキストにも対応してくれて良かったです。 ありがとうございました。

Rich先生に対する声 2021/6/20

今日も親切丁寧で良かったです。 また、時間があったので次のテキストにも対応してくれて良かったです。 ありがとうございました。

Veron先生に対する声 2021/6/20

Dear Veron, it was an amazing time with you ! I really enjoyed with sharing random topics with you ! Also I leaned a lot from you ! I look forward to joining your lesson again soon ! Take care !

Rich先生に対する声 2021/6/18

聞き取れなかった会話をチャットしてくれて、とても親切でした。 どうもありがとうございました また、よろしくお願いします。

Jen先生に対する声 2021/6/17

Dear Jen, thank you for your wonderful & perfect lesson ! I leaned a lot from you ! I cant wait for your next lesson ! Have a wonderful and beautiful day !

Gin先生に対する声 2021/6/17

とても親切でやさしく教えてくれました。 ありがとうございました。

Gin先生に対する声 2021/6/17

自信を持って、トライしてみて、など 勇気づけてくれるところが、すごく励みになります。 ありがとうございます。 これからもよろしくお願いします。

Gin先生に対する声 2021/6/16

Im always happy with har class!

Emma先生に対する声 2021/6/15


Avi先生に対する声 2021/6/14


Mary先生に対する声 2021/6/12

Dear Mary, thank you for your wonderful lesson ! I really enjoyed sharing & catching up with you! Every time I talk to you, I feel so happy and relaxed ! You bring happiness to others :) thank U

Jen先生に対する声 2021/6/10

Dear Jen, I feel I can speak English more in your class than other classes. Thats because of you ! You support greatly and lead me well :) I am so happy to meet the wonderful teacher like you. See U

Emma先生に対する声 2021/6/09


Jen先生に対する声 2021/6/07

Dear Jen, I appreciate your great support always ! I still have difficulty to speak, though, thanks to your support, I understood the article and enjoyed it ! I look forward to your next lesson !

Gin先生に対する声 2021/6/06

Teacher Gin is always make me happy ;)

Kat先生に対する声 2021/6/06

楽しく英検の授業ができました。 ありがとうございます。

Lia先生に対する声 2021/6/05

Thank you Lia, nice talking with you again !Stay safe and healthy with smile !

Ami先生に対する声 2021/6/05

Thank you as always! and we are sorry for hanging up so abruptly.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/6/05

Thank you for sharing with me about books! I enjoyed talking about it. See you soon.

Maria先生に対する声 2021/6/05

Thank you for teaching Cocoro! She really enjoyed your lesson!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/6/03

Dear Jen, your lesson is always fun and meaningful !! That motivated me a lot ! I really like your speaking way, soft and kind, friendly :) I wish I could speak like you ! See you soon !

Mina先生に対する声 2021/6/03

Your class was fun and encouraging for my daughter. Thank you!

Kish先生に対する声 2021/6/03

授業の経過をタイプして丁寧におくって下さるので 復習に役立ちます。

Ara先生に対する声 2021/5/29

It was very nice talking with you Ara-sensei! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Bianka先生に対する声 2021/5/27

Thank you for being my teacher for about entire 2 years! I've learned a lot from you and it was fun! you are one of the greatest English teachers I have met. I wish you all the best

Emma先生に対する声 2021/5/26


Mary先生に対する声 2021/5/25

Dear Mary, I enjoyed talking & sharing about many topics with you! It might be harder to move under covid-19, so take much care of your health ! Always be happy and smile :) See you soon !

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/5/23

Thank you for talking with me about my school life. See you soon.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/5/22

I enjoyed talking with you about my badminton club. I'll practice hard to win other students. See you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/5/19

Dear Jen, thank you for a wonderful class today ! I am very happy to hear your wonderful holidays ! Uhmm...I wish I could go beach ! The article for brain implant impressed me a lot ! See you soon

Basil先生に対する声 2021/5/16

Thank you for talking with me about teachers question. Next time, lets talk about more. I apologize because I was too late for lesson. See you soon.

Ami先生に対する声 2021/5/16

Thank you so much for going over time and for encouraging him. I really appreciate your kindness.

Cris先生に対する声 2021/5/16

Dear Cris, thank you for a wonderful lesson! I was excited with talking with you :) I appreciate for your great support with my speaking. I look forward to your next lesson. Stay safe and healthy *

Jen先生に対する声 2021/5/15

Dear Jen, thank you for a wonderful lesson! I did enjoy and learn a lot by your great instruction :) Your explanations for Eng words expanded the images of them, and brought me deep understandings !

Rina先生に対する声 2021/5/14

Thank you for lesson this evening. You are always enthusiastic. I am looking forward to the next lesson.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/5/13

enjoyed a lot! thank you very much!

Cris先生に対する声 2021/5/09

Dear Cris, thank you for a precious time ! I am really happy to share many topics with you :) Also I am impressed that you've been challenged tough job ! I'm sure you will get good achievement & skill

Rina先生に対する声 2021/5/09

Thanks for teaching to me about story. See you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/5/07

Dear Jen, thank you for your amazing lesson ! It is always a lot of fun, so it past very fast ! Thanks to your great teaching, I learned many things in class ! I look forward to seeing you soon !

Basil先生に対する声 2021/5/05

Thank you. I learned relationship about global climate.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/5/05

Thank you for correcting my sentence. Its very useful for me.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/5/04

Dearest Jen, thank you for your wonderful lesson! That was enjoyable and useful time for me :) I am happy to read your comments, and I also learn new words and how to write the sentences ! See U soon

Lia先生に対する声 2021/5/03

Thanks to your great lesson, I speak more fluent than usual.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/5/03

The lesson was good for improving my skill.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/5/02

Thank you for talking with me about lesson material. Next time, I want to talk about my school life. See you next time.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/4/29

Thank you for talking with me.

Nice先生に対する声 2021/4/29


Mary先生に対する声 2021/4/28

Dear Mary, thank you for a wonderful lesson ! Again ! Congratulation !! I feel so happy to hear your great news ! I look forward to talking with you again soon !

Kat先生に対する声 2021/4/27

Every time I hav Thank you so much. I always received appropriate advice and it was a great learning experience.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/4/27

Dear Jen, how enjoyable and meaningful your lessons are ! I appreciate for your great support and advices, which motivates me a lot to learn :) Stay safe and healthy :) See you soon !

Jen先生に対する声 2021/4/26

Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson as always.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/4/25

Thank you for discussing with me about corona virus. Next time, let's talk about it again! bye.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/4/25

Thank you for your warm guidance.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/4/24

Thanks for talking with me about school. See you again soon.

Miriam先生に対する声 2021/4/23

Thank you so much. I enjoyed talking with you.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/4/22

Dear Jen, It was a wonderful class again ! I always learn a lot from your lesson ! I also enjoy sharing ideas each other about many topics ! I can't wait for your next lesson ! Stay safe and healthy

Jen先生に対する声 2021/4/19

Dear Jen, I truly feel glad to join your class ! Im sure you are a great teacher. You always cheer me up and your words get me motivated a lot :) I look forward to having your lesson soon again !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/4/18

Thank you so much for your kind lesson. Your lesson always makes me happy.

Ami先生に対する声 2021/4/18

We had a great time. Thank you so much! Look forward to our next lesson :)

Bianka先生に対する声 2021/4/18

Thank you so much for your kindness in your every lessons☆ I enjoyed talking with you and see you again!!

Mina先生に対する声 2021/4/17

Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson as always.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/4/15

That was great meeting with you. Thank you so much! She really enjoyed speaking with you.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/4/14

Thanks for talking with me about my club activities. I'll join to badminton club. I'll do my best. See you soon.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/4/11

Thank you for teaching me many things. I learned sentence constructions and grammars. Have a nice Sunday evening!

Basil先生に対する声 2021/4/11

Thank you for talking about school. I enjoyed talking with you. See you again soon.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/4/11

I every time enjoy your lesson! Thank you very much.

Mina先生に対する声 2021/4/10

Thank you for the fun lesson today. Shin said that it was easy to understand. We hope to see you at the next lesson.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/4/10

Thank you for discussing with me about school. I'll follow the things what teacher told me. See you soon.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/4/07


Blessy先生に対する声 2021/4/07


Blessy先生に対する声 2021/4/07

Thank you very much for the lesson even though I chose the wrong one. You tried to elicit what nagisa knew. thats what I appreciated you the most. She built a bit of confidence.

Gin先生に対する声 2021/4/06

she is flexible,smart and eager to teach. highly recommended.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/4/05

Thank you for your amazing class !As you always make the class fun, relaxed and vibrant, I really enjoy and learn a lot. I can't wait for your next lesson !

Ara先生に対する声 2021/4/05

I enjoyed learning English with you! Thank you a lot!

Basil先生に対する声 2021/4/04

Since teach me meaning of vocabulary, I could knew more words. See you for next!

Cris先生に対する声 2021/4/04

Dear Cris, I really enjoyed your lesson as usual! Thank you for your great support with my speaking. To share more topics with you, I will study more :)

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/4/03

Thanks to teach me vocabulary.

Reya先生に対する声 2021/4/03

Im glad to see you again!!!!! Thank you

Rina先生に対する声 2021/4/01

Thanks for talking with me about text. See you again soon.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/3/29

Thank you for talking with me about stories. Thanks to teaching me about vocabulary what I don't know.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/3/28

Thanks for talking with me about book. See you soon.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/3/28

Since your lesson is always very simple, I like it!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/3/28

Thank you for the nice lesson!!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/3/26

Thank you for your wonderful lesson. I had learn a lot of things.

Ami先生に対する声 2021/3/25

Thak you very much for your pleasnt lesson.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/3/25

Thank you for your nice lesson!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/3/25

Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/3/24

Topic about cram school was fun!

Kat先生に対する声 2021/3/24

Thank you so much. I am happy to talk you lesson.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/3/23

Thank you so much. I always have great time talking with you.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/3/22

Thank you so much for your warm guidance.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/3/22

I am sorry for being late today. I misunderstood my lesson will start at 12:00. Thank you for your nice lesson as usual.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/3/21

Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/3/21

Thank you for talking with me about graduation book. I enjoyed discussing about difference between I and teacher. See you soon!

Kat先生に対する声 2021/3/20

Kay is the best tutor for me every week.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/3/19

Thank you for your kind and helpful lesson.

Rich先生に対する声 2021/3/18

Thank you so much for your warm advice.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/3/17

Thank you for talking with me. I enjoyed discussing about meal. See you soon.

Gin先生に対する声 2021/3/16

Thank you for always your great lesson! You always motivate me!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/3/13

I enjoy your class every time.

Bianka先生に対する声 2021/3/13

Thank you so much for your nice lesson. See you again soon☆

Basil先生に対する声 2021/3/13

Thank you for talking with me. I enjoyed discussing with you about teacher's topic. See you again.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/3/12

Thank you for your SMLE lesson. Your smile gives me motivation of studying English.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/3/11

Thank you for talking with me about many things! I enjoyed discussing! See you soon.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/3/11

Dear Jen, thank you for your great lesson ! I always enjoyed and learned a lot in your class! I am lucky that I met such a nice teacher like you :) You always make me motivated to learn.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/3/10

Thank you very much! I enjoyed talking about foods and fruits....

Gin先生に対する声 2021/3/09

Your lesson is fun! Talking to you motivates me to study more!

Kat先生に対する声 2021/3/07

Thank you for your very kindly and helpful lesson as always.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/3/07

Thank you for your nice lesson as usual!

Kat先生に対する声 2021/3/07

Thank you for your very kindly and helpful lesson as always.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/3/07

Thank you for your very kindly and helpful lesson as always.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/3/05

Dear Jen, thank you for enjoyable lesson ! Your lesson always brings me splendid time for me ! As you lead me well, I can speak English positively ! Wait for your next lesson :)

Veron先生に対する声 2021/3/05

Thank you so much. I always have great time talking with you.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/3/04

Thank you very much for discussing with me about opinion. I want to talk more next time. See you again next time.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/3/03

Thank you for discussing with me about Meiji Mura. I enjoyed talking with you about school. Next time, lets talk about more! See you soon.

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/3/01

Thank you for very kind and helpful lesson.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/3/01

Dear Jen, Id like to say thank you for your amazing class ! Your great support such like adding some words or summarizing my ideas in my speaking, gave me clear understanding :) hope to see you soon

Gin先生に対する声 2021/2/28

Thank you for always having a good time!

Ami先生に対する声 2021/2/28

I am sorry that he bursted into tears. It seems he did not know how to say I dont know what you mean. Thank you for encouraging him.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/28

Thank you for always having a good time!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/28

Thank you for support me to learn English!

に対する声 2021/2/28

Thank you for support me to learn English!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/28

You are great help to me, when you hear my English sentences and correct the wrong pronunciation! Thank you and have a nice Sunday afternoon.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/2/28

Thanks for discussing with me about foods sample. I enjoyed talking about it. I didnt know that at Philippines, only Japanese restaurant can see foods sample at entrance. See you soon! :D

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/27

Thank you for teaching me the grammar.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/2/27

Thank you for discussing with me about school rules. In our school, we cant eat snacks, but all students eat school launch together. The school launch I like is fried squid ring! See you soon!

Kish先生に対する声 2021/2/27

Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/26

Dear Jen, thank you always for your fun & wonderful lesson! With your clear explanation & great support, I can join the class positively ! And I know it's important for me to review ! Till next :)

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/26

Thank you for being so patient with me!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/25

Thank you for a wonderful lesson ! I really enjoyed talking and learning ! I hope I would have wide knowledge and vision like you, and could have English skill to talk. One day.... :) See you soon !

Gin先生に対する声 2021/2/25

Your lessons are always fun! I can keep trying because of you.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/2/25

Thank you always for your great lesson! I'm looking forward to seeing you again!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/2/24

Thanks for talking with me about school life and etc. I enjoyed sharing with you about school trip what well go to on March 2nd. Next time, I want to hare more about school life.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/23

Thank you so much for your warm guidance.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/2/23

Thank you for talking with me about school trip! I want to talk about more about it. I hope we can discuss about it again sooner! See you.

Gin先生に対する声 2021/2/23


Cris先生に対する声 2021/2/21

Thank you for giving a wonderful lesson.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/2/21

Thank you for your nice advices about the Toeic test!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/2/20

Thank you very much for correcting my pronunciations!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/20

Thank you for helping me make sentences!!

Gin先生に対する声 2021/2/20

I had a good time! Thank you for teaching me.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/2/20

Thank you for your great lesson! I had a fun time!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/19


Peach先生に対する声 2021/2/19

Thank you so much for your warm guidance.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/19

Thank you that you continued the lesson until end of the text.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/19


Mary先生に対する声 2021/2/18

Thank you Mary, it was a fun and wonderful talk with you ! I am glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday with your boyfriend :) That gave me a lot of smile !! Keep on going ** See you soon !

Mina先生に対する声 2021/2/18

Thank you today. I was happy that I finally see you again after a long time. You haven't changed at all like my English

に対する声 2021/2/17

Thank you for talking a lot with my son. He is very talkative!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/17

Thank you for the nice lesson as usual!

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/2/17

Thank you for always kindly teaching me.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/17

Thank you for a wonderful and fun lesson! Your explanation are always clear and easy to understand, so I could comprehend the article well :) I look forward to talking with you soon !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/2/16

Thank you for sharing story. I had learn a lot of thing.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/2/16

Thank you for your support and patience. He likes your lesson!

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/16

My son really enjoyed your lesson, thank you so much!

Rich先生に対する声 2021/2/15

Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/2/15

Thank you for your patience! Todays lesson was a little bit hard for my son, but he had fun.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/15

Thank you for correcting my wrong pronunciation!

Basil先生に対する声 2021/2/14

Thanks to talk with me about school life and primary school. I hope we could talk again soon. Im going to learn about more vocabulary to talk more smooth. See you again next time!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/2/14

Thank you so much for your warm guidance.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/2/13

Thanks for today! Ill work hard to remember vocabulary that I can talk more smooth. See you again soon.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/2/13

Thank you for your comfortable lesson!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/13

Thank you for your explanation of my questions.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/13

Thank you for your explanation of my questions.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/2/13

Thank you for always kindly teaching me.

Rich先生に対する声 2021/2/12

Thank you so much for the great conversation.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/2/12

Thank you for correcting my pronunciation many time! It helps me a lot.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/2/12

Thank you for writing and showing me what I dont understand

Avi先生に対する声 2021/2/11

Thank you for teaching Sato. She always enjoys your class.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/2/11

Thanks for talking with me about free chat. I enjoyed talking with you about primary school. See you soon! Take a rest!

Veron先生に対する声 2021/2/11

Thank you for your great conversation.

Avi先生に対する声 2021/2/10

I like the way you teach my daughter with talking. She enjoyed a lot.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/10

Thank you so much. I learned a lot from you.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/10

Thank you for the nice lesson!

Kat先生に対する声 2021/2/10

Its very easy to understand because you will search for and show the image immediately. thanks you.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/2/10

Thank you for discussing with me about school! See you soon.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/2/09

Thank you so much, I am happy to take you lesson.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/09

I every time enjoy learning English with you. Thanks.

Rich先生に対する声 2021/2/08

Thank you so much for your precious time.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/2/08

Thanks for talking with me about school life. I really enjoyed talking with teacher. Let's talk about more next time! See you soon!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/2/08

Dear Mary, thank you for a great lesson ! It was interesting to know the different feelings about full moon between us ! I hope you have good sleep without pills, and sweet dream ** till next lesson

Basil先生に対する声 2021/2/07

Thanks for talking about me! Ill find new text. See you soon!

Cris先生に対する声 2021/2/07

Dear Cris, thank you for your great lesson and comment! I still have difficulties to express my thought in English though, you always support correcting and adding on my words! I learn a lot :)

Kat先生に対する声 2021/2/07

Thank you so much for your warm guidance.

Ami先生に対する声 2021/2/07

Thank you for the fun and fruitful lesson, as always.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/2/07

You will immediately point me out the mistakes and give me a better expression. Whats more, you will type and show me, so its easy to understand and review later, which is helpful. You are a teacher

Basil先生に対する声 2021/2/06

Thanks! I enjoyed discussing about text. See you soon.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/2/06

Dear Veron, thank you for your great lesson and comment. It was a meaningful time, and I could learn a lot in your class. Thank you for listening to me though I couldn't express my though correctly.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/2/06

Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/2/06

Thank you for correcting my sentences!

Rina先生に対する声 2021/2/06

Thank you for correcting my pronunciation!

Rich先生に対する声 2021/2/05

Thank you for your kind and helpful lesson.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/05

Thank you for correcting my pronunciation! It helps me a lot.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/2/04

Thank you for always kindly teaching me.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/2/03

Thank you so much. I learned a lot from you.

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/2/02

Thank you so much for your precious time.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/1/31

Thanks for talking about yesterday’s exam. I’ll take a rest today. Thank you! See you soon.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/31

Thank you for the nice lesson!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/31

Thank you for your warm guidance.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/1/30

Teacher Velon always teaches me new words and knowledge.

Ami先生に対する声 2021/1/30

Enjoyed the lesson. Thank you Teacher Ami!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/30

Thank you for the nice lesson!

Basil先生に対する声 2021/1/30

Thanks for talking about my test. I'm going to walk hard for that test. I hope I could pass it. Thanks!

Blessy先生に対する声 2021/1/30

thank you so much for giving a lot of exciting exercise in speaking. repeating longer phrases are getting tougher but very worthy.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/1/30

Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/1/29

Thanks for talking with me! I enjoyed your lesson. Thanks and see you again soon

Jen先生に対する声 2021/1/29

Dearest Jen, how much I enjoyed your lesson ! As you are so kind and knowledgeable, I learned a lot in your class ! Thank you for sharing a lot with me ! I look forward to your next lesson soon !

Veron先生に対する声 2021/1/29

Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/1/28


Kat先生に対する声 2021/1/28

Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/1/28

Thanks! I enjoyed talking with you about school life. I am glad to know about condition of COVID-19. Take care!

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/1/27

Thank you so much. I had a wonderful talking with you.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/26


Rich先生に対する声 2021/1/26

Thank you so much . I am grateful for your kindness.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/1/26

Thank you for the lessons today. I feel nervous at first but I had fun talking with the teacher.

Blessy先生に対する声 2021/1/25

明るくて親切でとても先生でした。 チャットで会話を残してくれたので、終わってから落ち着いて読み返し復習する事ができました。

Kat先生に対する声 2021/1/25

Thank you so much for your great guidance.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/1/25

Thank you so much, Jen. It was a fun & wonderful lesson ! Yes, Id like to get my English to reach perfection ! So Im lucky to meet such a great teacher like you ! I look forward to your next lesson

Ami先生に対する声 2021/1/24

Thank you so much, as always! Have a wonderful week :)

Mary先生に対する声 2021/1/24

Thank you very much! It was a nice conversation. Have a nice weekend.

Kayelene先生に対する声 2021/1/24

Thanks for discussing about Philippines and etc. See you soon.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/1/24

Thank you very much for the nice conversation!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/24

Thank you very much for your professional lesson. I like it.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/23


Rich先生に対する声 2021/1/23


Basil先生に対する声 2021/1/23

Thank you for discussing about COVID. I satisfied. I understood difference about Philippines and Japans government. Thank you.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/1/23

Thank you for your nice tip! You helped me to improve my English skills.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/1/23

Thank you so much. I learned a lot from you.

Peach先生に対する声 2021/1/23

Thank you for always deepening the story.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/23

Thank you for the nice lesson. I learned a lot today.

Jen先生に対する声 2021/1/23

Thank you for your nice lesson! I really enjoyed it!

Rich先生に対する声 2021/1/22


Rich先生に対する声 2021/1/21


Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/20


Daisy先生に対する声 2021/1/20

I always have great time taking with you.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/19


Deng先生に対する声 2021/1/19

わかりやすく説明してくださいました。 次回レッスンの提案をしてくれてよかった。

Veron先生に対する声 2021/1/19

Thank you so much for your kind lesson.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/18


Peach先生に対する声 2021/1/18

Thank you so much for your warm guidance.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/17


Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/17


Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/17

Thank you! Good luck for your Japanese exam. I enjoyed talking with you about finish.

Daisy先生に対する声 2021/1/17

Thank you so much . I had a wonderful talking with you.

Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/16


Nica先生に対する声 2021/1/16


Peach先生に対する声 2021/1/16

Teacher Peach always taught me a useful phrases. Thank you very much.

Cris先生に対する声 2021/1/16

It was nice to see you again! Thank you so much for your nice lesson!

Rina先生に対する声 2021/1/16

It was nice to see you again! Thank you so much for your nice lesson!

Rina先生に対する声 2021/1/16

Thank you for the nice conversation! I think I have to train it too.

Mary先生に対する声 2021/1/16

Thank you for correcting my R pronunciation!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/1/16

The lesson was exactly what I wanted! Writing words according to your speaking was fun and great practice! Next time, please ask him how he wrote and if he understands the meaning of the words. Thanks

Veron先生に対する声 2021/1/16

Thank you for always kindly teaching me.

Basil先生に対する声 2021/1/16

Thank! Im glad talking with you about class. See you.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/1/15

Thank you for your English explanation.

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/15

Thank you very much! It was really nice lesson and I could learn a lot.

Rich先生に対する声 2021/1/15

Thank you so much. I enjoy having conversation with you.

Kat先生に対する声 2021/1/14


Jen先生に対する声 2021/1/14

Dear Jen thank you for your great lesson ! As you were so friendly I could enjoy & learn a lot in your class ! I am also happy to hear you plan to work here ! I am sure itll come soon! See U soon

Rich先生に対する声 2021/1/14

Thank you for previous lessons review test. I understand very well.

Veron先生に対する声 2021/1/13

Mirai enjoyed your lesson! Thank you and see you soon!

Mary先生に対する声 2021/1/13

You make every time really nice lesson! Thank you very much!

Ara先生に対する声 2021/1/13

Thank you so much I learned a lot. I really appreciate this year.

Rina先生に対する声 2021/1/13

Thank you for teaching me English! I enjoyed it with you