The Voiced "th" Sound Activity I. Tongue Twister Tongue Twister is a fun way to improve pronunciation. Practice with your teacher.
Whether the weather be fine
or whether the weather be not.
Whether the weather be cold
or whether the weather be hot.
We'll weather the weather
whether we like it or not.
Activity II. The Voiced "th" Sound
Pronunciation: The Voiced "th" Sound
TH (voiced)
The voiced TH is like a D, but instead of being in back of the teeth, it's 1/4 inch lower and forward, between the teeth.
To pronounce the Voiced TH, put the tip of your tongue between your top and bottom front teeth and vibrate your vocal cords, then pull your tongue back to pronounce the rest of the word.
thee | Dee | Lee | bathe | bade | other | udder |
then | den | zen | breathe | breed | father | fodder |
that | teethe | tease | ||||
they | day | lay | writhe | ride | ||
there | dare | lair | loathe | load | ||
though | dough | low |
Challenging Words
In Phrases
rhythm, rhyme and harmony | under the weather | teething ring |
That was then, this is now | one or the other | lather, rinse, repeat |
either this one or that one | bathing beauties | a feather in her cap |
father, mother, sister brother |
A: Is your father coming to the gathering this Saturday?
B: No. Neither is my mother.
A: That's too bad. My brother was looking forward to seeing them.
B: Well, they're both a little under the weather.
A: Oh, sorry to hear that. Can I send something or other to cheer them up?
B: Please don't bother. They'll be fine.
Oral Reading:
Even though my father is a weatherman, he can't predict with absolute certainty whether it will rain or not. Neither can the other people who work with him. They say there's only a thirty per cent chance of rain, and the next thing you know, it's pouring. They predict snow, and there's nothing for another five days. Then, there's a blizzard. So rather than trust my father's weather forecasts, I use a more reasonable approach. I ask my mother.