
33:チャット用テキスト (Text for Chatting)

168 : Immigration

I. Describe the picture below.

II. Pick a topic from the list below and discuss it.

1. Why do people immigrate to other countries?

2. Is immigration from one country to another a problem? In what ways do you see it as a problem?

3. Do you think that immigrants are treated well in in most countries?

4. Do you think there is a relation between immigration and crime?

5. Should any government limit the number of immigrants entering the country? What would be a good number?

6. Is local culture threatened by immigration?

7. How far should immigrants retain their culture?

8. Do you think immigrants are treated with more suspicion now than they were a year ago?

9. Would you ever think of emigrating? Why or why not?

10. What would be some of the issues that would concern you about emigrating?