05:日常会話(Everyday English)

30: Lost and Found

Activity 1

Look at the picture and talk about it.

Activity 2

Listen to your teacher as he reads the dialogue. Practice with your teacher.

After lunch, I realized that my wallet was missing when I could no longer find it in my bag. I must have left it in the lobby when we paid our registration fee at the Registrar’s office.

Nicole: Excuse me; did you find a purple wallet with a keychain? I think I left it here this morning before lunch time.

Staff: We do have a Lost and Found section and we can help you find it if you have any more distinct identification to claim it.

Nicole: Okay. It has five ten dollar bills and three pictures with my Identification Cards.

Staff: All right. Let me check it. This must be your lucky day! There is indeed a purple wallet here. However, I have to make sure that you are the owner. How many IDs do you have here?

Nicole: I have three IDs: my school ID, license and library card.

Staff: Okay. Here it is. Your wallet has been lost and found!

Nicole: Thank you so much!

Activity 3

Practice reading the bold words or phrases in the dialogue.

Activity 4

Role Play Exercise: Practice with your teacher.

Use the dialogue pattern above.