

50: Women Banned in Olympics

Activity 1. Read the fact below

Women were banned from the ancient Olympics because the majority believed women are inferior, and they would only disappoint and let the team down along with the rest of the nation they represent. They were also prohibited from witnessing – and, of course, participating in any form – the ancient Olympics to ward off “cheating” because the men played in the nude. For a woman to catch a glimpse of a naked man would have meant she would be condemned to death. Later in 1926, women were banned from marathon competitions because there was a myth that said their presence caused infertility. In 1923, though, Frances Hayward finished Comrades marathon in 11 hours 35 minutes, but the record was unofficial since women were not allowed to compete. Three years later, Violet Percy of Great Britain ran the first official marathon at 800 meters, which was the maximum “safest” distance for women. It wasn’t until 1963 when the next official record was broken by a woman.

Activity 2. Answer the questions below

    1.Why were women banned in the ancient times?
    2.Why was seeing a naked man in the Olympics deemed as “cheating” for a woman?
    3.What was the reason women couldn’t compete in the marathon in the 1920s?
    4.When was the first official Olympic record made by a woman?
    5.What was the name of the first woman who ran the maximum “safest” distance for females?